2020: The year I Win(ged) Life.
2020 is that conundrum I’m grateful for. Call it bitter-sweet and you won’t be wrong either in that it was my most trying year from a mental standpoint while, at the same time, being the most successful and interesting year I’ve had in my entire life, c’mon I got gifts and cake on my birthday.
I made enough money to take care of myself and family and my biggest flex was that I could actually flex in 2020.
Enters 2020…
For one who’s always seen dates as social constructs, I don’t buy into the frenzy of new year especially the whole craze of people getting better overnight. So, the idea of resolutions and stuff on a particular day seems like folly to me.
Got into the year a soft, ‘resolutionless’, freshly heartbroken boy living alone, juggling two jobs, a sweet babe and a sick Dad.
The first highlight of the year for me was reconnecting with my school son in high school — Wilfred. We’d become roommates and looking back, though it ended sadly, is one of my highlights of the year. It was all going smoothly until…Twenty twentied and I lost my job.
I was broken, though not much ‘cos the loss came with me having enough time to be and do anything I wanted — I love freedom, plus I still had my remote job as a Webmaster for a pet brand and I was doing well.
The rest of the year was an alternating sequence of bitter-sweet events. TOJ, The pandemic, a new Nephew, Wilfred’s case, Rap Battle winner, EndSars protest, slashed salary and Reunion with fam.
Fast-forward to the end of the year…
I live literally on my Whatsapp. Sometime around mid-December, I was looking back at the year and wrote on my status ‘I winged 2020 like Pepe. Scored some goals but often caught dribbling myself’. That’s a bar for those who know Pepe of Arsenal.
I had no plans as to what I wanted doing with my life. I was just winging it… and I winged it all through… I was on steady vibes and TOJ.
Things I wish I did in 2020…
No regrets in Life, only lessons. However, looking back, I wish I:
- Had the confidence to push more for the things I wanted. After losing my job, I felt less confident in myself.
- Used my head more as Jesus commanded.
- Made more money, ‘cos I left so much on the table.
- Became less dependent, stopped my distractions.
- Didn’t give people so much power in my life.
My Losses…
2020 came for my confidence, took it all and after much fight, it returned some of it. As if that was not enough, it took Wilfred from me, no he isn’t dead. I just lost touch with him after a terrible incidence and I miss him every day.
My mental health was not spared too. I was in a dark place for a very long time and masked it up so well that even my friends didn’t know they needed a torch to see through me. I was suicidal every other day. Thank God for Franklin, those hours on the phone with your pumpkin made me stay.
I would have included the 3 rejection mails I got from the scholarships I applied for last year as losses, but in retrospect, it’s their loss not mine.
My Wins…
Being alive, writing this over a bottle of my favourite vodka, and M.I’s Warrior playing at the background remains my biggest win.
But for a resounding Omo!, let me list out some of my Wins in no particular order:
- I made my family smile: if you say you know me and you don’t know how much I love my fam, you’re just assuming we know. My back stayed bent for them and ironically, it pleased me. Thank God I didn’t break.
- I learnt a new skill — Data Analytics: this is like my major win of the year, all thanks to Project DHUB and Utiva.
- I tested new waters business wise. The result was overwhelming for me as a first timer. Invested a few coins too and I’m grateful for 100% return and zero losses.
- I pushed a movement — The Tribe of Judah — with the best set of humans on earth. Made moves, history, set records and created beautiful memories.
- Got my Original certificate, Transcript, Letter of English proficiency from my school. If you schooled in a Nigerian Uni, you’ll understand that a medium post is not enough to celebrate this.
KPK!!! I’m grateful to everyone who was there in 2020. In a year that left almost everyone broken, you held your own and still had reserve strength to lookout for me, you’re my superheroes.
Shoutout to the PureForm team, Lindsay, Lara (❤️), Family, BolaFunmi, The Tribe of Judah (💛🖤), Franklin, Wilfred and everyone I came in contact with. I can’t name everybody, it’s a very long list: I too love una.
I don’t know what 2021 holds for me. But, I know I’m young, a hopeless romantic, I’ve tasted success and I’m hungry for more. And boy! am I willing to put in the work?, Yes!
I’ve got my wings, not to wing this year again, but to fly to the 7th heavens and keep my fire burning from up there.
In this year and in coming years, I’ll keep burning for the people I love and hopefully, I don’t get burnt out in the process.
This is my first time doing this and I hope you enjoyed reading to this point. If you did or didn’t, come back next year, it sure will be better.